New Children's Books about Gratitude and Thanksgiving

The month of November brings a reminder to be grateful for all that we have. This list of new children’s books about gratitude and Thanksgiving introduces the concept of being grateful to little ones in fun and colorful ways....Read More »
Gratitude Activities for Kids

The holiday season is upon us! We love to take a few moments every day during this time of year to give thanks for all that we have. So we were thrilled to check out this adorable new children’s...Read More »
New Children’s Books about Giving Thanks

The Thanksgiving season is upon us while I write this. So we are taking an extra look at how we can show our thanks and gratitude to those around us. While we always focus on gratitude during the month...Read More »
Sharing Thankfulness with The Thank You Letter

Teaching kids about gratitude and thankfulness is important all year round. But we are especially cognizant of it towards the end of the year. So this was the perfect time for us to check out this new children’s book...Read More »
The Best Thanksgiving Books & Learning Activities!

Thanksgiving is a time for giving thanks, being with loved ones, and of course, eating delicious food. The season is full of wonderful traditions and important lessons. These are beautifully portrayed in so many wonderful children’s books. We have...Read More »
Terrific Turkey Books

Turkey Day is almost here! As the weather turns colder and we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving, I wanted to gather a list of fun turkey themed books to inspire our learning this month. There are lots of fun turkey...Read More »
Celebrating The Night Before Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. I was a picky eater growing up, so my love of the holiday had more to do with the traditions and the family time than the food. My mom loves to entertain,...Read More »
Terrific Thanksgiving Read-Alouds!

Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday full of family, food, fun and thankfulness. There are so many great Thanksgiving books to entertain kids while teaching them about this holiday. I wrote about several Thanksgiving books this month, but...Read More »
Celebrate a Cranberry Thanksgiving!

Cranberries always make me think of the holidays. Between Thanksgiving and Christmas, they are a part of lots of meals, decorations and traditions. I was excited when I found this book which gave...Read More »
Turkey Fun for Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving will be here before you know it! I love all of the adorable turkey decorations around the holiday, and they inspired me to have some fun with today’s hilarious read aloud about a tricky...Read More »
Giving Thanks for Thanksgiving!

Gratitude is something that I want to ensure I teach to my daughter. Thanksgiving is the perfect time of year to start a tradition of gratitude and thankfulness. There are lots of great books to help teach kids about...Read More »
Fun with Franklin for Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is a time for friends, family, gratitude and delicious foods. My parents have always had an open door policy for our holiday meals, believing that anyone who doesn’t have a place to go has a place at our...Read More »
Plump and Perky Turkey Fun!

When it comes to getting a turkey for Thanksgiving dinner, you probably just stop by your local grocery store or farm. For the people living in one little town, getting a turkey is much more difficult!