As a teacher and a mom, I am always looking for ways to entertain my daughter while also teaching her. I try to fill our days with various learning activities or opportunities to be creative and practice important skills. While it can be lots of fun to come up with different activities to keep her interested and motivated to learn, it can also be a lot of work! Today I’m excited to share a company who aims to help busy parents to give kids a variety of learning opportunities, delivered right to your door!
Let Kids Read What They Want!
Do your kids enjoy books that you are not a huge fan of? Is there a particular character that you can’t stand, but that your child adores? Do your kids enjoy reading on the Kindle or IPad, while you prefer they read paper books? You may think I am crazy for saying it, but I believe you should let them read what they want!
But Vicki, that’s crazy! There are things out there that I don’t want my kid reading!
Celebrating Families of All Kinds!
No two families are alike. Some families have 1 parent. Some families have two moms or two dads. Other families may have stepparents or several generations living under one roof. Each family is unique, and it is important for kids to learn that love is what makes a family. Thankfully, there are lots of amazing books and products available now to help kids learn about all of the different family dynamics out there. Today, I’m thrilled to introduce you to a company that wants to teach kids about different families through play. I also gathered a list of some of the top books to help kids learn about what makes a family,
Drifting to Sleep in the Rock-a-Bye Room
Reading together is an important part of our bedtime routine. While her routine has changed as she has grown, our reading time has remained the same. I love finding peaceful books to read to her that can help lull her into a good night’s sleep.
Standard Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. I may receive a commission from purchases you make through the links in this post. I received a copy of this book courtesy of Bookroo in exchange for creation of activities. All thoughts, opinions and ideas are my own.
Wanted: Pet Shark
Are you a fan of sharks? Shark week has become practically a national holiday it seems. The Sharknado movies are now a franchise. Even if you haven’t seen Jaws, you know the theme song. (I actually taught my daughter to sing the Jaws theme when asked what a shark says). What is it that fascinates us about sharks? Today’s shark book for kids explores the idea of having a shark as a pet, and how they may not be all that different from the pets we already have!
What Makes You Laugh?
My favorite sound in the world is my daughter’s laugh. My family tends to laugh until we can’t speak, or until tears are running down our cheeks. I love that my daughter has developed this trait already. Whether she is playing by herself, reading a book, watching a TV show or listening to us make funny voices, her shrieking laughter can make any day better. I am always looking for ways to make her laugh, and today’s book gave us lots of opportunities to giggle together.
Get New Activity Ideas & Parenting Tips with the Parenting Super Bundle!
My to-read list has no end. I am constantly looking for new books that entertain, inform, inspire and teach. When I became a parent, my list only got longer! Parenting books, activity books, cookbooks for kids and children’s books all started appearing on my list. While being a parent is the greatest thing that has happened to me, it can also be really difficult, so I am always looking for tips, tricks and advice to help. Nothing can adequately prepare you for bringing that little bundle of joy home from the hospital, but there are some great resources out there that can help. The Parenting Super Bundle is one of those resources that I have found to be a great wealth of information and I wanted to share it with all of you!
The Big List of Back to School Books
It’s that time of year again! As you check things off the school supply list and start to prepare for buses, homework and field trips, check out some of these fun read-alouds to prepare kids for the adventures ahead. Whether your kids are excited or anxious for the first day, there is something for every on this list!
Standard Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. I may receive a commission from purchases you make through the links in this post.
Boost Your Imagination!
Imagination is such an important part of childhood. Do you remember the games you used to play when you were younger? We hear a lot of parents lamenting about how they didn’t have electronics and devices to entertain them when they were younger, and they had to create their own fun. The scary truth behind that is that imaginative play is sometimes taking a backseat in today’s world. Why would kids need to imagine they are in another world when they can enter one in a video game? I am not one to ban all electronics and devices. I think there is definitely an advantage to kids learning some technology. However, I do think it is even more important for parents to encourage kids to use their imaginations whenever possible. Today’s book is a great jumping off point for imaginative play!
Starting Early: How I Taught My 1 Year Old to Speak in 4 Languages
Kids are sponges. We hear it all the time.
“They will repeat everything you say!”
“They learn even when they don’t seem like they are listening.”
As a teacher, I had lots of plans for teaching my daughter when she was born. I had dreams of us reading together, doing crafts and science experiments, and learning new things. I read to her while I was pregnant and built up her library. On the night she came home from the hospital, I read to her out of the same book that my parents read to me on my first night. After that, I realized I didn’t have many plans for teaching her until she was older!