Kindergarten Books for Kids

The first day of school can be a big deal, so get kids ready with these children's books about kindergarten! #kindergarten #firstdayofschool #readyforkindergarten #firstdayofkindergarten #backtoschool #kidbooks #schoolbooks #backtoschoolbooks #gettingreadyforschool #gettingreadyforkindergarten #kindergartenbooks #kindergartenStarting Kindergarten is a big step for little ones. Even if they have previously attended schooling, it can cause them to feel scared or uncertain. Luckily there are lots of fun first day of school books out there to help kids deal with the back to school jitters. For little ones just stepping into the world of school, I wanted to share this list of fun new children’s books about starting kindergarten.

5 Children’s Books about Grief

These children's books about grief are a good way to talk to kids about loss. #childrensbooks #grief #handlinggrief #griefforkids #greivingkids #teachingkidsaboutgrief #booksaboutgrief #griefbooks #griefandkids #helpkidshandleloss #handlingloss #booksaboutloss Grief is something that is hard for us adults to understand and deal with. So imagine how much harder it is for children to grasp. When it comes to grief, we sometimes don’t know how to discuss it with kids. This can lead to more confusion and sadness. It is so important that we teach kids that their feelings of grief and sadness are perfectly normal, and a part of life. I am always on the lookout for quality books to help me discuss big topics with my daughter. Since we have recently been dealing with some grief in our family, I have been looking for ways to discuss loss with her. Today I have gathered this list of children’s books about grief to help other families discuss the topic as well.

Sea Glass Summer

Celebrate summer with this beautiful children's book about the beach and sea glass activities to pair with it! #seaglass #seaglasscrafts #seaglassactivities #beachcrafts #beachactivities #kidsbooks #beachbooks #booksforkids #picturebooks #beachpicturebooks #seaglassbooks Have you ever found sea glass on the beach? Have you thought about how it got there? Where did it come from? How old is it? There are so many mysteries hiding in that small piece of glass. Today we are sharing a beautiful children’s book about sea glass and pairing it with some fun sea glass activities for kids!

Standard Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. I may receive a commission from purchases you make through the links in this post. I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Children’s Books about Being an American Citizen

Teach kids about citizenship with these children's books about being an American citizen and the ideals of the American dream. #childrensbooksaboutamerica #childrensbooksaboutcitizenship #americabooks #booksaboutamerica #learningaboutamerica #learningtobeauscitizen #learningaboutcitizenship #booksaboutcitizenship #kidsbooks #childrensbooks #booksforkidsHow do we teach kids about what it means to live in America? What does it mean to them to be an American citizen? This list of children’s books about being an American citizen will help you introduce kids to the ideals and responsibilities of American citizens, as well as inspiring words from past leaders.

Standard Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. I may receive a commission from purchases you make through the links in this post. I received copies of these books in exchange for my honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Classic Literature for Kids

Introduce kids to the classics with classic literature for kids! #classics #classicliterature #classicliteratureforkids #kidsclassics #picturebooks #kidlit #kidsbooks #teachingkidstheclassicsIt always makes me smile when my daughter is interested in something that seems much too old for her. As I have mentioned before, she is a fan of classical music. She also recognizes some famous paintings and artists (Thanks “Little Einsteins”!). She was given a set of literature primers before she was born, and I love reading them to her and sharing some of the classic literature that she cannot understand yet. Many of our favorite stories were built on the backs of other stories like them, so it’s important that we introduce kids to the classics that inspired generations of writers. So today I’m sharing some of our favorite versions of classic literature for kids. These are a fun way to introduce kids to important pieces of literature and the authors who created them.

Children’s Books about the Universe

Teach kids about the universe and the cosmos with these children's books about the universe! #STEM #universe #sciencebooks #teachingkids #picturebooks #universebooks #theuniverse #thecosmos #teachingkidsabouttheuniverseWe are all a small part of a much bigger picture. Thinking about the whole universe and our teeny tiny part in it can be mind boggling for adults, let alone for kids! To help kids get a picture of the whole big universe and the part that they play in it, I decided to gather these fun children’s books about the universe!

Standard Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. I may receive a commission from purchases you make through the links in this post. I received a copy of some of these books in exchange for my honest review. These are marked with an *. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

8 Children’s Books about Dads and Grandpas

Celebrate the father figures in your life with these children's books about dads and grandpas! #fathersdaybooks #fathersdaygifts #booksaboutdads #booksaboutgrandpas #grandpabooks #dadbooks #fatherbooks #familybooks #kidsbooks #picturebooksWith Father’s Day just around the corner, it is the perfect time to share some beautiful new children’s books about dads and grandfathers. I am so grateful for the relationship that I have with my Dad, and I love watching him build a relationship with my daughter now. So I am always on the lookout for books that showcase that loving relationship between fathers and their kids, and grandfathers and their grandchildren. I remember reading with both of my parents, and it is so fun seeing my daughter share her love of reading with them as well. I hope your family enjoys sharing some of these books about grandpas and dads too!

When Reality is Stranger than Fiction: 5 Must Read Memoirs

Looking for books to add to your reading list? Check out these 5 must read memoirs that are stranger than fiction! #memoirs #bookstoread #nonfictionbooks #toberead #reading #booklist I have such a respect for people willing to relive their most painful, embarrassing and awkward moments for the rest of us to enjoy. Writing about the exploits of a fictional character could almost be considered easy compared to compiling moments you might prefer to forget in a neat little package for others to dissect and examine. If these authors are brave enough to gift us with pieces of their history, we owe it to them to enjoy the fruits of their labor. Check out some of my favorite must read memoirs below and take a trip down someone else’s memory lane.

Teaching Kids about Emotions with Social Stories

Teach kids how to handle emotions and social situations with this flash card set full of social stories! #emotionalintelligence #teachingemotions #howtohandleemotions #socialskills #teachingsocialskills #teaching #socialemotionaldevelopment #flashcards #socialstories #handlingemotions I love finding different tools to help my daughter learn certain skills. So I am always on the lookout for different ways to review things that we are working on. Since we are spending a lot of time talking about big emotions and good manners lately, I was thrilled when we were given the opportunity to check out a line of flash cards from aimed at teaching kids about emotions & social situations!

Exploring Pool Safety with Rosie the Dragon!

Celebrate summer with this fun children's book about swimming with a pet dragon, and the fun summer activities paired with it! #summerbooks #summeractivities #sunscreensensory #bubblesnake #poolsafety #waterplay #wateractivitiesforkids #summeractivitiesforkidsSummer time is here, which means lots of fun in the sun and the water! Before you head out to the pool though, it is important that you go over some of the rules. Since my daughter is still young, we are spending a lot of time talking about pool safety this year. So I was thrilled when we were given the opportunity to check out this book that explores pool safety while telling a fun story about a pet dragon! We also paired it with summer activities for kids that review sun safety and pool safety, and also encourage bubbly fun.