Personalized Christmas Books to Make the Holidays Special!

Updated: November 2019

Start a family Christmas tradition with these personalized Christmas books for kids! #christmasbooks #holidaybooks #bookgifts #christmastraditionsWhen it comes to shopping for Christmas gifts, I am always looking for special gifts that really mean something. Growing up, my parents always bought ornaments for my sister and I to add to our collection, and I continue that tradition now with my daughter. I have also made it a tradition to purchase a new Christmas book for my daughter every year. This year, I was thrilled to be introduced to the beautiful personalized children’s books from Put Me in the Story, and I am so excited that they offer fun Christmas books! I decided to gather a list of some of my favorites (as well as one which would make a great holiday gift for the grandparents!).

Educational Gifts for All the Kids On Your List

The holidays are right around the corner! When it comes to purchasing gifts for the kids in my life, I have always leaned more toward the educational (blame the teacher in me, as well as my parents). I decided to gather up a list of some of our favorite educational products that we have checked out this year, as well as a few that I have my eye on as my daughter gets older. I hope you find some holiday gift giving inspiration here!

Terrific Turkey Books

Turkey Day is almost here! As the weather turns colder and we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving, I wanted to gather a list of fun turkey themed books to inspire our learning this month. There are lots of fun turkey books for all ages, so I hope you find some new ones to explore on here!

Standard Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. I may receive a commission from purchases you make through the links in this post.

Recognizing Veterans

As Veteran’s Day approaches, it is important to explain to kids why we spend a day recognizing our Veteran’s and honoring them for their service to our country. There are lots of great books about honoring the brave soldiers who have sacrificed for our freedom. To recognize the holiday as a family, I’ve compiled a list of books to share, as well as fun activities to bring them to life.

Pumpkin Activities for Kids!

Updated October 16, 2019
Pumpkin activities to help kids with name recognition and money skills, plus a Jack-o-lantern sensory project and craft! #pumpkincrafts #pumpkinbooks #fallsensory #namerecognition #dramaticplay

I love the fall! If you regularly read the blog or follow me on social media, you may already know this since I tend to mention it a lot. I love the sights, sounds, smells, and tastes. I’ve been really excited to get out to our local farmer’s markets and orchards because all of the different apples, pumpkins and vegetables inspire me to create fun projects and recipes with my daughter. Today’s book follows a little boy and his mom as they go out to the farmer’s market in search of the perfect pumpkin, and we paired it with lots of fun pumpkin activities for kids!

13 Monstrously Fun Monster Books

Updated October 16, 2019

Monsters can be a scary thing for kids to deal with, but there have always been lots of fun monster characters to enjoy in books, TV shows and movies. They can teach us lessons about not making judgments while making us laugh with their silliness and giving a physical representation to our fear of the unknown. With Halloween right around the corner, I gathered a list of colorful and funny monster books, starring all kinds of monsters. Whether you are looking for board books to help your young kids face their fears, or picture books with an important message on making judgments, there is something here for everyone!

Making Kids Feel Special Through Reading

Personalized Children's Books

Reading together is one of my favorite ways to connect with my daughter. When we are reading a great book together, I hope that she takes the lessons, love and values to heart. I love when I read a book about love to her, and she recognizes that the mother in the story cares about the character the same way that I care about her. Watching her make connections to the story, the characters and the illustrations is a special part of reading to her. The personalized children’s books from Put Me in the Story makes the experience even more unforgettable by weaving her into the book.

Birthday Traditions to Start with Your Kids!

I loved my birthday when I was growing up. I was always a shy kid, but if there was one day when I didn’t mind the attention, it was on my birthday. My parents made our birthdays special with lots of fun traditions that I plan to carry on with my daughter. We were allowed to pick a restaurant for dinner and choose the kind of cake we wanted to have at home. Every year we also took a birthday quiz that my mom saved for us, so we can now look back at how our answers changed over the years. (We may have whined about taking it some years, for which I am sorry Mom!). Since my daughter is starting to understand birthdays now, I decided it would be fun to start some of these birthday traditions with her this year.

Fabulous Fourth of July Books for Families

Get kids excited for Independence Day with these 4th of July books for kids!

What comes to your mind when you think of the Fourth of July? In addition to celebrating our country’s independence, it also brings to mind lots of happy summer memories and celebrations for me. From fireworks and cookouts to picnics and beach trips, there are a lot of symbols and traditions that people connect with the holiday. There are a lot of great Fourth of July books to introduce kids to all the excitement of the holiday! I hope you find some new family favorites to share while celebrating America’s birthday!

10 Great Books About Dads

My father is one of my favorite people. He makes us laugh, he makes us feel loved and he teaches us everything from history, to movie facts, to random trivia. As I began searching for books about Dads, I was pleased to find several that portray the special relationship between fathers and children, as well as the many hats that fathers often wear. From books that celebrate spending time with your dad, to books about “dad humor”, there is a little bit of fun for all kinds of fathers. I hope you enjoy sharing these books with the great fathers in your life!