As the world starts to cancel events and close schools, many parents are finding themselves looking for easy activities to keep their house-bound kids entertained. So I decided to share 25 low or no-prep activities for kids that will make the lockdown days a bit more fun.
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1. Reading!
Obviously this will be my first suggestion, given the topics on this site. But you can also take this opportunity to change up your reading. Why not start a new book series together? Or read a book and watch the movie based on it?
2. Play hide and seek
This is one of my daughter’s favorite activities when we are trapped inside. It’s fun to have to think outside the box and find new hiding places in your home.

3. Exercise
Get some of that excess energy out with fun and easy exercises that don’t require any additional equipment. Create different challenges for one another, or try a spelling exercise game like this one.
4. Board Games
I don’t know about you, but we have lots of board games that we never seem to find time to play anymore. This is a perfect time to have a family game night and maybe teach kids some of your old favorites.

5. Build a blanket fort
We are always up for a good indoor camp out, and being locked inside is the perfect time. Stretch your imagination and try using different items in your home to create a big fort. Check out our ideas for camping indoors here!
6. Paint each other’s portraits
This is a fun activity that will give you a chance to be creative and find out how you see one another. Lay out paper and art supplies and create portraits of the members in your family.
7. Write a family bucket list
We won’t be trapped inside forever. So it’s a great time to put your heads together and figure out what types of things that you want to do as a family. We did this once with a travel bucket list, and it is so much fun to come up with your dream list without any strings.
8. Create a letter train
Explore your home for items starting with different letters. Make letters on the floor with masking tape, or lay down pieces of paper with letters on them. Have kids place items onto each letter. Learn more about what we did here.
9. Create an indoor obstacle course
Use masking tape and items around your home to create an easy obstacle course that gets kids to practice their gross motor skills. You can even have them set up their own courses when they finish yours.
10. Practice yoga together
Teaching kids about yoga and mindfulness are a great way to relax together and practice skills that will help you handle the stresses of day to day life. So this is a great time to check out a fun Kids Yoga program, or get some new yoga books! We like Cosmic Kids Yoga on YouTube because they are story based and use some of our favorite stories as inspiration.
11. Scavenger Hunts
My daughter is obsessed with scavenger hunts lately. My father likes to set up hunts for her with clues that lead from one area of the house to another. Set up an easy scavenger hunt around your home with slips of paper for clues. You can offer a simple prize at the end (my daughter likes a couple jelly beans), and encourage them to create their own hunts as well. Check out these printable scavenger hunts to get you started!

12. Get outside
Just because you can’t go to social gatherings doesn’t mean you have to stay inside. Head outside to play, even if the weather isn’t perfect yet. Set aside the normal rules and let them get messy. Jump in the puddles and play in the mud!
Check out our favorite mud puddle activities here!