Let’s Go Camping: Camping Indoors with Kids

The weather is getting warmer, the days are getting longer and summer is almost here! Time to break out the camping gear and have some fun. I loved camping as a kid, and I cannot wait to take my daughter someday. On days when the weather is against us, we will settle for having our own camping fun at home!

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Learning to Eat Veggies with the Veggie Buds Club!

making vegetables fun for kidsI will be the first to admit that I was a very picky eater as a kid. (Sorry Mom and Dad!). I have gotten a lot better about trying new foods, but I have a hard time making my daughter try new things when I am not the best at it. Lucky for me, she is a bit more open to trying new things. However, like most kids, she isn’t always happy about vegetables. So I was thrilled when we had the opportunity to work with the Veggie Buds Club and learn fun new ways to get excited about vegetables!

Why I Test My Toddler: Using Developmental Checklists To My Advantage

Learn how using developmental milestone checklists can focus your parenting and help you teach your child new skills! #DevelopmentalMilestones #DevelopmentalChecklist #MilestonesForToddlersKids develop at different speeds. This is the most important thing to remember when it comes to developmental checklists and milestone charts. However, no matter how many times we tell ourselves this, or say it to others, we can’t help but feel the need to check our children against them. There are thousands of charts, checklists and pamphlets out there that will tell you where your child should be. Even having a background in education, and KNOWING that kids develop differently, I still can’t help but worry about my daughter’s development and seek them out. However, I do believe that there is a benefit to these checklists and charts. So I do use them on occasion to guide my parenting decisions.

Little Walks, Big Adventures : Learning in Your Neighborhood

I love taking walks with my daughter. I remember taking her out in her stroller during her first year and singing and talking while we strolled. It was a great way to get out of the house and get some fresh air. As she has grown, our walks have become more varied, but it’s still one of my favorite activities. So I was thrilled when I was given the opportunity to check out today’s book with 50+ ways to turn a walk around your neighborhood into a learning experience!

Why Your Child’s Bookshelf Should Include Priddy Books!

There are so many amazing books out there for babies and children. It can be overwhelming trying to narrow down the books that you should have for your kids. I wouldn’t even know where to start if someone asked me to come up with a list of the most important books for kids to have. However, I do think that all kids can benefit from having a few Priddy Books on their shelves.

Standard Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. I may receive a commission from purchases you make through the links in this post.

14 Children’s Books about Punctuation & Grammar: Having Fun with Learning Language

English can be a difficult language to learn. There are lots of parts to it, and sometimes it feels like the “rules” are broken almost as often as they are true! When it comes to teaching kids about grammar, punctuation and the rules of the language, it helps to make it fun and memorable. (Tell me you don’t still know the words to some of the Schoolhouse Rocks songs!). I had the opportunity to check out a fun new book about punctuation from Innovation Press, and it inspired me to gather 14 fun children’s books about punctuation and grammar to help you make the language fun!

Learning in the Car: Taking Education on the Road

Doesn’t it sometimes feel like you live most of your life in the car? Running errands. Waiting at stoplights. Stuck in traffic. Shuttling the kids back and forth to events and activities. With everything going on in our busy lives, it can sometimes feel like there isn’t time to add anything else into our schedules. However, those little moments spent in the car can add up. Spend some of that time engaging your kids in these simple activities and encourage learning in the car!

Empowering Board Books for Girls & Feminists!

I love books that encourage young girls to be strong, confident women. My parents raised me and my sister to believe that we could do anything that we set our minds to. Our mother taught us to use tools, problem solve and take care of difficult situations without panicking. I want to raise my daughter to be a strong and confident woman as well, so I am always on the lookout for great books that feature strong female characters and inspire her to be proud of who she is. Today I decided to gather a list of the best empowering board books for girls and young feminists so you can build a library for your strong, confident little one. These are great reads for both girls and boys, and can start some important conversations as well!

How to Code a Sandcastle: Making Coding Fun!

I am absolutely thrilled that there are so many amazing resources available today to teach kids about STEM concepts and subject. If you regularly follow the blog, you know that I am a big fan of the push for kids (and especially girls) to get more involved in STEM fields. Today, we had the opportunity to check out a new coding book for kids from Viking Books that introduces kids to simple coding concepts through a fun and relatable summer story.

15 Fun Bug Books for Kids

Summertime means the bugs are back! From flies and mosquitoes to butterflies and bees, there is a whole other world of creatures that kids can learn about and explore. I decided to create a list of some of the best bug books for kids to get you started!

Standard Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. I may receive a commission from purchases you make through the links in this post. I received a copy of How to Survive as a Firefly in exchange for my honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.