The Trouble with Raising Bookworms

If you are raising a bookworm, you may recognize these familiar signs and problems of raising readers! #raisingreaders #bookworm #reading #readingwithkids #familyreading #readaloud #parenting #parentinghumorAre you the parent of a bookworm? I am a total bookworm, so I am obviously raising my daughter to be one as well. Snuggling up together with a good book is one of my favorite parts of the day. But raising a bookworm can have some interesting side effects on your life. So check out this list of signs you are raising bookworms and let me know if you can relate!

Standard Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. I may receive a commission from purchases you make through the links in this post.

Back to School Tools to Make Learning Fun

Get ready for the school year with these back to school tools! From educational books and subscriptions, to flash cards and organizational tools, there is something for everyone! #backtoschool #schooldays #schoolyear #schoolsupplies #schoolsupply #educationalbooks #flashcardsforkids #booksforkids #subscriptionsforkids #kidbooksIt’s time to head back to school, which means school supply shopping! I love shopping for school supplies. It probably has something to do with why I started studying education in the first place. To help you get your kids ready for back to school, I’ve gathered some awesome back to school tools that can help your family get organized and get learning!

Standard Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. I may receive a commission from purchases you make through the links in this post. I received copies of these supplies and books in exchange for my honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Fun and Affordable Ways to Build a Family Library

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #FeedingReadingAtWalmart #LoveMyEggo #ReadingWithEggo #CollectiveBias

Learn how to build a family library with some easy tips and the Kellogg's Feeding Reading program! #ad #FeedingReadingAtWalmart, #LoveMyEggo, #ReadingWithEggo #reading #library #childrensbooks #kidsbooks #familyreadingOne of the best ways to get kids interested in reading is by surrounding them with quality reading materials. This has been proven by research time and again. So I make it my mission to make sure that my daughter has new and exciting books all around the house. Building a family library can seem daunting, but there are lots of fun ways to get quality children’s books for your home. Kellogg’s Feeding Reading program is a fun way to fill your bookshelves!

Sloths are Slow: A Children’s Book about Sloths

Teach kids about sloths with this fun children's book and easy sloth activities! #slothbooks #slothactivities #slothcrafts #childrensbooks #childrenscrafts #craftsforkids #booksforkidsSloths are entertaining animals. I feel like they have been given more attention in pop culture in recent years. (Partially thanks to the funny sloth character in Zootopia, and Kristen Bell’s intense love of them). Why do we find these animals so enjoyable? Is it because they exhibit the one quality that we can’t seem to grasp? Slowing down and not getting caught up in today’s speedy lifestyle? For whatever reason, we decided to celebrate these cute animals by pairing some fun sloth activities with this adorable interactive children’s book about sloths!

Bilingual Books for Kids

Introduce kids to other languages with these bilingual books for kids! #bilingualbooks #teachinglanguages #languagesforkids #spanishbooksforkids #kidsbooks #booksforkids #childrensbooks #spanishforkids #japaneseforkids #ASLforkidsI love learning new languages, and so does my daughter. So I am always excited to find new bilingual books for kids that help us explore different languages in fun new ways. This list of children’s bilingual books explore simple vocabulary with fun illustrations and easy text.

Standard Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. I may receive a commission from purchases you make through the links in this post. I received copies of some of these books in exchange for my honest review. These are marked with an *. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Children’s Books about Hugs

Spread the love with these children's books about hugs! #hugs #childrensbooks #kidsbooks #booksforkids #booksaboutlove #booksabouthugsSometimes all we need is a hug.  Whether it starts your day on the right foot or brings you peace at the end of a long one, hugs can help connect us when we need it most. So today I’m sharing this list of children’s books about hugs to share with your kids and remind each other how important a hug can be, and the love you can share with one.

Standard Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. I may receive a commission from purchases you make through the links in this post. I received a copy of some of these books in exchange for my honest review. These are marked with a *. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Classic Art Books for Kids

Introduce kids to famous artists with these children's books about classic art! #classicartforkids #kidsbooks #childrensbooks #booksaboutart #childrensbooksaboutart #childrensbooksbaoutfamousartists #booksaboutclassicart #artbooksforkidsMy daughter has always been interested in art. From a young age, she has loved watching Disney’s Little Einsteins, and frequently repeats the names of artists she has seen on there. As an art lover myself, I encourage this interest and try to share lots of books about artwork with her. I love when children’s books (or television shows) weave classic art into their storytelling, because it gets kids interested and encourages them to learn more. So today I wanted to share some of the children’s books about classic art that we have been enjoying lately!

Teaching Kids to Look at the World Differently

Teach kids to see the world in their own way with this creative children's book and fun activities! #childrenbooks #imagination #kidsactivities #kidcrafts #booksforkids #picturebooks #kidsbooks #authorinterviewI love books that encourage kids to look at the world in a different way, and let their imagination soar. So I was excited when we got the chance to check out this new book that takes familiar plants, animals and insects and shows them in funny and surprising ways. My daughter loves the silliness in this story, so we paired it with some funny and colorful activities for kids. If you are interested in teaching kids to look at the world differently, I definitely recommend checking it out!

Meaningful Educational Gifts

This post is sponsored by Linqia but the content and opinions expressed here are my own

• #AD Looking for meaningful educational gifts? Check out this list of gift ideas including books, experiences, and a NY’s 529 College Savings Program Direct Plan! Have you considered NY’s 529 College Savings Program Direct Plan #collegesavings #giftgiving #giftideas #graduationgifts #educationalgifts #giftlist #birthdaygifts #babyshowergifts

I am a huge fan of giving educational gifts for all occasions. This is partially due to my passion for teaching and education, but it also comes from my parents and their desire to share a love of learning. Our summer is always full of graduation parties, family reunions and baby showers, so I decided to gather a list of meaningful educational gift ideas for the kids in your life.

Kindergarten Books for Kids

The first day of school can be a big deal, so get kids ready with these children's books about kindergarten! #kindergarten #firstdayofschool #readyforkindergarten #firstdayofkindergarten #backtoschool #kidbooks #schoolbooks #backtoschoolbooks #gettingreadyforschool #gettingreadyforkindergarten #kindergartenbooks #kindergartenStarting Kindergarten is a big step for little ones. Even if they have previously attended schooling, it can cause them to feel scared or uncertain. Luckily there are lots of fun first day of school books out there to help kids deal with the back to school jitters. For little ones just stepping into the world of school, I wanted to share this list of fun new children’s books about starting kindergarten.