Raise your hand if you are worried about your kids having too much screen time! Raise both hands if you are even more worried about screen time now that most schools are doing virtual learning! This past year has brought us more screen time than ever before. From virtual schooling and virtual holidays to less options for entertainment outside the home, there has probably never been a time when we have used screens as much as we have lately. For parents who are worried, we wanted to share our favorite books about screen time to help come up with a plan as as family.
Standard Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. I may receive a commission from purchases you make through the links in this post. I received copies of these books in exchange for my honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Couch Potato
Written by Jory John and illustrated by Pete Oswald
This funny story follows a potato who enjoys spending his life laying on the couch. He sets up his home so that everything he needs is within reach of the couch, and he has screens set up everywhere. When his latest technological addition causes the power to go out, he is forced to head outside. While exploring the outside world, he realizes that he may be missing a lot while staring at screens all day. Kids will love the funny illustrations of the potato, and parents will appreciate the message of the book, encouraging readers to get off the screens and get outside!
#BabyLove: My Toddler Life
Written by Corine Dehghanpisheh
This adorable book follows a young boy and his mother as they play together. When the boy finds his mother’s phone, he starts playing with it and takes selfies. His mother finds him and reminds him not to play with her phone without permission. Together, they look through the photos on her phone and remind themselves that the most important thing is the times they spend together. The illustrations are adorable, and full of familiar scenes for both parents and kids. Check out my interview with the author here!
Related Post: Raising Kids in a Digital Age
Me, Myselfie & I: A Cautionary Tale
Written by Jamie Lee Curtis
This funny and brightly colored book follows a family dealing with their mother’s newfound love of selfies. After she receives a new phone, the mother in the story becomes obsessed with taking photos. Her kids grow tired of her phone obsession, and in the end, they are all reminded that the best moments happen when we put our phones down and live in the moment. The rhyming text holds an important message for parents and kids alike, and it is paired with vibrant and hilarious illustrations.
Related Post: Put Down the Phones: Screen Free Family Time
You’re Missing It!
Written by Brady Smith and Tiffani Thiessen
This sweet book written by the Hollywood couple is a timely look at what happens when parents are tied up in their phone screens and miss the important moments. On a regular day at the park, kids are seeing all kinds of crazy things going on, but the parents are so wrapped up in their phones, they don’t see any of it. The vibrant illustrations are full of funny details that will have kids laughing out loud, while the message to live in the moment is important for everyone.
Dot. Unplugged
Created by Randi Zuckerberg
This brightly colored book celebrates National Unplugging Day! In the story, Scratch the dog wants to play, but everyone in the family is busy with their electronic devices. When the power goes out, they decide to unplug for the afternoon and create their own fun. They soon learn that unplugging can be a lot of fun. The back of the book includes a list of activities for families to try while unplugging. The illustrations are full of vibrant colors, and show the characters having all kinds of fun using their imaginations.
Related Post: How to Raise Bookworms in a Digital Age
Parenting in a Tech World
Written by Matt McKee and Titania Jordan
This guide for parents is full of tips and advice to help adults tackle parenting in the digital age. Topics covered in the book include everything from talking to your kids about technology, to handling social media and technology contracts as a family. The chapters are broken down into sections with clear headings, offering simple tips and instructions. There are also websites and additional resources mentioned throughout the book to help parents learn more. Whether you are familiar with technology, or a newbie, there is lots included in this book to help your family balance screen time and new technologies.
How do you balance screen time for kids? Do you read any books about screen time with your kids? Share in the comments below!
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- Enjoying Screen Free Family Time
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