My daughter loves solving mysteries. We are constantly doing scavenger hunts and hiding items on each other. She also loves fairy tales and nursery rhymes. So when we were given the opportunity to check out this fun book from Two Lions Publishing, it was the perfect combination!
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Eduardo Guadardo, Elite Sheep
was written by Anthony Pearson and illustrated by Jennifer E. Morris. This fun twist on classic nursery rhyme characters follows a confident sheep named Eduardo who is training to be an Elite Sheep for the FBI (Fairy Tale Bureau of Investigations). He is top of his class in most categories, so he is given his own case – protecting Mary, the daughter of Farmer Brown, from Witch, Troll and Wolf.
As he attempts to keep her safe, he reassures others that he doesn’t need any help, and can handle things on his own. But when things get tough, he learns an important lesson about teamwork.
The story is funny and shares an important lesson in an engaging way that kids can understand and appreciate. The illustrations feature all kinds of fun hidden details and familiar nursery rhyme characters. Kids will love finding all of the humorous things hidden in the pictures.
All About Me Dossier
In the story, Eduardo introduces the reader to the term “dossier”, and explains that it is full of important information about the subject. We decided to create our own dossier about ourselves, which gave us the perfect opportunity to review important information.
I created this fun printable dossier, including spaces for your child’s name, age, birth date, address, telephone number, height, weight, and more. There are also sections for kids to draw a picture of themselves, and share what they excel at. This provides a great opportunity to reflect on what they do well and what they can work on. You can even help each other to fill out this section and share what you think each other does well.
Scavenger Hunt & Field Test
Since we love going on scavenger hunts, we decided that we would turn this book into a hunt as well. Throughout the book, Eduardo must complete all kinds of tasks to keep up with Mary and follow her to school. So I decided to set up a simple scavenger hunt and obstacle course for my daughter.
I started out by choosing a stuffed animal and hiding it. Then I placed clues around the house with simple instructions on each. For some of the clues, she had to complete a simple task before she could get the next clue. Some of these included jumping jacks or singing a song. You can create tasks based on the skills that you are working on with your kids. She had so much fun that she insisted on doing another one as soon as we finished the first!
Lamb Bingo
Since Eduardo is a sheep, this fun activity uses cotton balls to practice specific skills. Since we have been working on lower case letters, I decided to focus on that. You can adapt this for a variety of skills including math facts, letter recognition, number recognition or sight words. Print out my free printable bingo board and decide which skill you want to work on.
I wrote a lower case letter on each lamb and gave my daughter a pile of cotton balls. For each letter that I called out, we each had to find a lower case version on the page and cover it with a cotton ball. Whoever got five cotton balls in a row first was the winner.
Do your kids love seeing their favorite nursery rhyme characters in new ways? Then you definitely want to check out this book! Also head over to see how we played with this fun twist on Hansel and Gretel too!
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