Coding is something that I wished I learned more of in school. I love that they are teaching coding at a young age now, because it will give kids a leg up in the technological world that they are growing up in. Plus, it is so much fun for them to see how the code they are writing is affecting the machines that they are working with. So I was thrilled when we had the opportunity to work with Unruly Splats to check out their new programmable floor tiles and coding game for kids!
Standard Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. I may receive a commission from purchases you make through the links in this post. This post is sponsored by Unruly Splats. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
What are Unruly Splats?
Unruly Splats are programmable floor tiles that kids can code to play games, create noises, and more! The app has some activities already loaded onto it, and they encourage kids to dive into coding, while creating fun active games. As kids become more comfortable with coding, they can create their own programs or update the programs already in the app.
What We Loved about Unruly Splats
We had so much fun playing with Unruly Splats! The floor tiles are sturdy and really durable, so I didn’t have to worry about my excited 3 year old doing any damage to them. It was really easy to connect them to the app on the iPad as well, so we were able to start playing right away.
The tiles are geared towards children 6+, but we still had so much fun with them. I can’t wait until she is old enough to enjoy coding with me! First we played some of the games already loaded onto the app, and these included Whack-a-Mole and racing. My daughter particularly enjoyed playing Whack-a-mole, which encouraged her to run back and forth between the Splats, stepping on them when they changed colors.
Creating Your Own Game
As I began to understand the code building blocks better, I ventured into creating our own game. I created a simple game of Hide and Seek using only one of the Splats. I hid the Splat in another room and coded it to make a noise to start the game (and give my daughter a hint of the direction she should go in). When she found the Splat, she stepped on it and I coded it to make a cheering noise.
As she got the hang of the game, I made the hiding places harder and added some more noises into the code at different intervals so it would call to her. She had a blast playing this game, and I loved being able to change it up and add new things as we were playing. There are so many incredible options available in the coding blocks that the possibilities are endless!
Related Post: Make Coding Fun with How to Code a Sandcastle!
A Coding Game for Kids That Also Gets Them Moving!
There are so many ways that you can use Unruly Splats with your family. The games already loaded into the app provide lots of learning opportunities, from storytelling to gross motor practice. The ability to change these games and make your own gives you and your kids the power to create your own learning opportunities as well. Plus, the coding experience that they will get while creating these games is a great way to increase their comfort level with and knowledge of coding. The open ended nature of the app encourages kids to use their creativity and imagination as well. Who knows what kinds of amazing games they can create?
For more educational gift ideas for kids, click here!
Check Out Unruly Splats for Yourself!
Check out the Unruly Splats website to learn more, and use the code Babies2Books for 10% off your purchase!
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