This election has me very worried about the state of our country and the future we’re building for our children. As adults, we are supposed to be the role models, the positive influences and the good decision makers. Yet, the news is filled with people name-calling, interrupting, and making decisions that we would not accept from our children. It may seem oversimplified to think that we can fix all of our issues by working together and being respectful. However, I believe in the impact of positivity and respect. So, to overcome the negative attitudes that kids may be absorbing during this election, I decided to find positive books about America and citizenship. These books can remind kids and parents how America can be great while showing us how we can all help to make it a better place.
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America Is…
Written by Louise Borden and illustrated by Stacey Schuett
This is a beautifully illustrated journey across the United States. The author takes the reader from farms to cities, showing that all of us are one country and one people. It also shows that no matter where in the country you are living, we all have some things in common. This is especially important during election season when the country starts to feel divided.
Being a Good Citizen
Written by Mary Small and illustrated by Stacey Previn
This is a great book for introducing kids to the idea that they can do a lot of small things to be a good citizen. The book starts out by comparing living in a country to being part of a club. Everyone in the club has to do their part! This gives kids a good reference for how their actions can impact the country. Given the election cycle we are in, I really like this book for showing kids how small actions can actually help to make the country a better place to live!
America: A Patriotic Primer
Written by Lynne Cheney and illustrated by Robin Preiss Glasser
This is a popular introduction to America from A to Z. From important Americans in history to traditions and symbols, this book teaches children about the greatness of America and the values we share. There is a lot of information on each page, so older children will enjoy looking at the details in the illustrations.
Related Books: Election Books for Kids
What if Everybody Did That?
Written by Ellen Javernick and illustrated by Colleen M. Madden
This book takes readers through a variety of scenarios showing bad behavior and small actions that could be disastrous if everyone did them. This book can help parents when they talk to their kids about how small actions can have a big effect. While kids may think their one action might not have an impact on everyone else, this book shows that small actions can create big ripple effects, both good and bad.
These are just a few examples of books available to help parents talk to their kids about good behavior, being a good citizen, and being a good American. Despite all of the negative press and poor choices being made by some adults during this election, these books can help kids to see what America can be if we would all work together and be respectful. We can change the next generation by giving them these positive ideals!
Do you have any positive books about America or citizenship that you would recommend for kids? How have you talked to your kids about this election?
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